The Future is Here.

Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technology to Prepare and File Your Taxes.

What makes AiTax different?

Human Errror

Ai eliminates the risk of human error and missed opportunities.

Low Tax

Ai guarantees you will pay the lowest amount of tax legally possible.


Fee structure guarantees results or the filing is free.

Satisfaction not just

Legally secured.

Legal Defense All filings backed with free audit and in-court legal defense.

Money Back Fees are fully refundable with a money back guarantee.

Don't just file smart. File like a genius.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are paving the way to a new future that holds tremendous promise and innovation.


AiTax, an AI-based tax-preparation software… can help entrepreneurs file their taxes with ease while preventing mistakes, ensuring your taxes are accurate, increasing any potential refund and avoiding an unnecessary audit.

International Business Times International Business Times

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